How to remove Powered by blogger


So many of you are trying to remove this gadget here is the easy and full process on how to remove powered by blogger gadget. 

  • First you have to sign in on your blogger dashboard.
  • Click on theme.
  • Go to edit html.
  • Then simply remove this code from you html file section.

 <!-- outside of the include in order to lock Attribution widget -->
      <b:section class='foot' id='footer-3' showaddelement='no'/>

<b:widget id='Attribution1' locked='true' title='' type='Attribution'>
<b:includable id='main'>
    <b:if cond='data:feedbackSurveyLink'>
      <div class='mobile-survey-link' style='text-align: center;'>

    <div class='widget-content' style='text-align: center;'>
      <b:if cond='data:attribution != &quot;&quot;'>

    <b:include name='quickedit'/>

  • After removing this codes simply save your theme.
  • It will be removed on your blogger gadgets section.

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