How to make website from Blogger for begginers|Full process


First of all you need to to think about the topic you are going to write about and the title for it, and with that proper concept you are ready to write articles. So firstly think about on which topic you are going to write articles. There are many topic on which you can write articles on them for your website.Examples will be written down.

Step by Step on making website from blogger
Gmail Account
For having blogger account you need to simply make google/gmail account. Simply go to and make your gmail account by signing up and filling up the form with your details.If you have already gmail account then read the next step.
Blogger account
Go to and you will see create your blog in the middle of the website. Click that and you will be redirected to gmail account. Login on your gmail account and you will see asking confirmation of your profile. Confirm it with your google+  account or limited profile. It's your choice whether you want to show your full profile or limited profile to your site visitors.
Creating Blog
Then to create blog/site you need to click on New blog which you can see on top left of the site section. 
After that you will be asked to put title,address and choose the theme for your site. Fill that form according to you want.
Type the title name you want and simply copy the title name and paste on address bar. If that title address has been already taken then it will show sorry not available. But you can do it by simply adding numbers on the end of your address before ( Then choose the theme you want.
Then, Click the create blog.
Now you are on the working area for your blog.
To write articles you have to click on New Post which is on top left section of site.
Now you can start writing articles on there and post them.
Examples of Topics on writing articles for blog
Sports,News,reviews,techniques and ideas,howto,etc.
Registering Domain name for your site 
There are many websites on markets where you can buy domains. You can simply check on google and search the domain registration according to your selection.

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